The Åland Islands Peace Institutes newsletter 1.2014
In early March Cecilia Brenner and Liselott Lindén presented the Fair Sex Project at a seminar in St. Petersburg. The seminar was one of a series against trafficking arranged by the Nordic Council of Ministers Information Office in Saint Petersburg in cooperation with St. Petersburg’s urban social committee, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Special Pedagogic and Psychology, Primorsky Centre for Children and Families and the NGO ”Enlightenment” in St. Petersburg. The organizations are aiming at designing a sexuality education concept and the Fair Sex method had attracted interest.
Katriina Bildjuschkin at the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Finland, contributed with a talk about sex education in Finland. Carita Peltonen, expert within the work against trafficking, presented a background to the work against trafficking in in the European, Nordic and Russian context and its challenges.